Getting Settled

除了为上课做准备,还有一些重要的事情你需要知道 as you begin to make San Diego your new home:



Cuyamaca College does not have any housing facilities on campus; however, we are surrounded by many apartment complexes.

  • www.apartmentguide.com有数百个圣地亚哥当地公寓的挂牌信息. Information is provided for FREE.
  • www.homestayservices.com为国际学生提供“家外之家”的住宿 host families in Southern California.
  • 校园里有五块布告栏,贴着同学们寻找室友的广告. Check them out!


新社区的第一个挑战是找一个合适的地方住. 圣地亚哥的住房选择包括:宿舍楼(通常位于附近) 四年制大学)、公寓、住宅和私人住宅的房间. 

几乎所有的租赁情况都需要你签合同. This contract specifies 租金金额,租赁条件,以及你作为租客的责任 在签字前一定要把合同上的每一项都看一遍!


Many rental agreements include the cost of water usage. If you need to arrange for 天然气和/或电力,请致电1-800-411-SDGE与圣地亚哥天然气和电力公司(sdgade)联系 (7343). A security deposit may be required. Utilities are billed to you on a monthly basis, and are payable upon receipt.


Telephone service is usually




included in your rental agreement. Contact Southern Broadcasting Company (ATandT)


at 1-800-310-2355 for telephone service information. Be aware of the various fees: 安装费、保证金、长途电话费、月租费.



随身携带大量现金或把钱藏在家里不是个好主意 home. 相反,你应该在方便的地方开一个储蓄账户或支票账户 for you. 你需要身份证明才能开户,通常是护照 and/or driver's license.


选择合适的金融机构很重要,因为它可以为你省钱 取决于支票账户费用和任何储蓄账户的利息收入 you may have. 拜访几家银行,比较一下他们的服务、支票类型和 储蓄账户和成本,然后再做决定. Available types of checking accounts include:

  • 最低余额账户:这种类型的账户非常适合那些写得更多的人 than ten checks per month. 写支票是不收费的,只要你保管好 certain minimum monthly balance. If you should fall below the minimum balance, you 你开的支票要收手续费吗.

  • 套餐帐户:通常有一个月的服务费用,其中包括无限制 支票书写,透支特权(自动贷款记入您的银行信用卡 哪一个允许你开出超过你账户上的金额的支票 支票、保险箱、支票保证卡、旅行支票或本票. 虽然这种类型的帐户是有益的,如果你写了大量的支票 每个月不保持最低月余额,每月的费用增加 up.

  • Interest Checking Accounts:


    这些账户对每日复利的余额支付利息. A minimum balance is 通常是必需的,而且你写的每一张支票都要收费,这通常会消耗掉 the interest earned on this type of account.

  • Savings Overdraft Coverage:


    这是一些银行提供的一种防止透支费用的保护形式. 如果你开了一张支票,而你的账户里没有足够的资金. Although there 是转账费吗,它通常比定期支票中的透支费要少 account.


As you know by now, higher education in the U.S. is expensive. The greatest problem 留学生来到这里后面临的问题是维持足够的经济状况 用于支付个人和教育费用. Since sources of financial 国际学生很难获得援助,这是一项基本技能 你在大学的成功是你成为一个有效的理财者的能力. 这是你一生都需要的一项重要技能. The best way to manage money is to develop a monthly budget plan. Here are some suggestions for making a budget: 

  • Determine your monthly "fixed expenses." This will usually include rent, utilities, laundry, insurance premiums, toiletries, etc.

  • Estimate your "variable expenses" for a given month. These will include food, entertainment, clothing, books, supplies, and travel.

  • 把你所有的开支记录在笔记本上,并定期进行分析 unnecessary or wasteful expenditures.

  • Avoid becoming dependent on credit cards. The fasted way to bankruptcy is spending money you do not have. “现在买,以后付”的预算方法很少成功.

  • 重要的是要注意,你的预算只代表每月开支的估计. Set aside some money every month for the "unexpected."


你可能会问自己,“我应该买一辆车吗??" This is an important decision, requiring careful thought and consideration. There are several responsibilities and requirements in driving and owning a motor vehicle. The costs are always more than they appear at first. Please remember the following: 

The Driver's License 你必须取得有效的驾驶执照才能驾驶机动车辆 and/or motorcycle in California. 要获得加州驾照,请联系该部门 在埃尔卡洪格雷夫斯大道1450号. To qualify, you must pass 眼科检查、笔试和驾驶考试. The CALIFORNIA DRIVER'S HANDBOOK is available at no cost from the DMV.


加州法律要求购买有效的车辆保险. This means you cannot legally drive a car without such coverage. Consult the telephone YELLOW PAGES under "Insurance" for a list of companies. Insurance rates vary based on your gender, grade point average and even whether or not you are a smoker.


Vehicle Registration 如果你拥有一辆摩托车或汽车,你需要在车管所登记. Fees 根据价格、大小和车龄而有所不同.


You must have a valid permit to park on campus. Permits and fee information may be 从一站式中心的出纳处领取.


VehiclePurchase 你已经评估了你的需求、财务资源和所有权责任, and you have decided to buy a car. Purchasing the right one for you requires careful shopping. 在你买二手车之前,先向有知识的人咨询一下 automobiles, and the used car market. It is also recommended that you take the car to a certified auto mechanic and obtain an evaluation. It is also recommended that you read magazines on how to "Buy a Used Car." The library should have several magazines in this field.


圣地牙哥社区有大量培育的民族组织 某一特定国家或地区的文化兴趣和活动. The House of 巴尔博亚公园的太平洋关系有近30个国家的代表出席 传统节日在一年中的不同时间举行. For information about these programs, call (619) 293-0739. 此外,圣地亚哥州立大学的国际 学生办公室每周五安排非正式的学生“聚会”. Information about these events is available on-line at


圣地亚哥县的每个地区都有几个邮局. Check the 电话黄页“邮局”下的完整列表.